Feather Pedals Conditioning Ride 5

  • 08 Feb 2025
  • 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Sports Basement, 1041 Market Place, San Ramon


Registration is closed
Ride name: 2025 #5 Feather Pedals Conditioning Ride

Distance: 34.2 miles

Elevation: 1,479 ft

Rating: 2 L

Number of regroups: 

No Drop: Y

Start Time: 9:30 a.m.

Start/End Location: Sports Basement, 1041 Market Place, San Ramon

Ride Host Name: Julie Hampton

Ride Host Contact: psyclejulz@sbcglobal.net

Coffee Stop: Starbucks (mile 25.6)

SAG Support: TBD

Ride Details: This is the 5th of 12 Feather Pedals Conditioning Rides in the Cinderella Ride Series. This route starts from the San Ramon Sports Basement and takes you out San Ramon Valley Blvd to Railroad Avenue to Danville Blvd to Rudgear to Stewart to Lavender to Roundhill to Stone Valley Blvd to Macedo Ranch to Blackhawk Rd and Blackhawk Starbucks, to Camino Tassajara to Greenbrook to Iron Horse Trail to Norris Canyon to Alcosta and back to Sports Basement  

We will break into A - 15+ mph average B- 13-15 mpg average and C - New group riders and less than 13 mph.

Disclaimer: All participants must register online on the VSBC website or via the Wild Apricot app in order to participate in this ride. You do not need to be a VSBC member to participate, but we expect that you will become a member if you ride with us more than 3 times during a calendar year.

Link to Ride with GPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45490665

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