incentives in the form of VS club clothing and club membership. The more rides hosted
the more credits earned.
• Choose an existing ride from the Valley Spokesmen ride library – Be sure to familiarize
yourself with the route a few days before just in case any changes need to be made due toroad closures or construction.• Modify an existing ride from the ride library – You can modify a ride to make it new and
make it yours. You will have to make a new cue sheet to show your changes. You cansubmit it to the ride masters to add to the library.• Create a brand new ride – Be sure the start location has sufficient free, paved parking.
Public parks, Park & Ride Lots and near freeway access are the best. Avoid using shopping
center parking lots. Avoid dirt or poorly paved roads; dangerous intersections, especially
when a left-turn is required; and extremely fast, busy roads without a designated bikelane.
• Send an email to the Cycling Directors announcing your ride. It willalso be posted to the ride calendar.• The ride directors will be happy to assist you. This must bedone at least 72 hours prior to the ride date. Send an email to the vslist( telling everybody about the ride.• Provide the ride directors with the following information:• Name of the ride• Mileage, Ride rating and expected elevation gain• State if the ride is Drop or No-Drop• Date and time of the ride• Start location for the ride. Include an address or a link to Google Maps with directions.• Your name as the ride host with cell phone number and email address• Description of the ride including rest stops, highlights of the ride and if there aredifferent mileage options. State if any parts of the ride are on dirt (ie path to ‘hole-in thewall’ and mountain bike rides). Indicate if there is a restroom at the start location.• Link to the ride ‘turn by turn’ instructions (Valley Spokesmen uses RideWithGPS)• If there are important changes to your ride, i.e. route or time change (due to weather relatedconditions), email the Cycling Directors immediately to update the online ridecalendar. If you can no longer host the ride, send an update as to who will be thesubstitute ride leader or if the ride will be a ‘no host’. Then send an email update to the VSgroup list. All rain cancellations should be made by 7:00 am the morning of the ride.
• We recommend you use RidewithGPS to map your ride. You will need a RidewithGPSaccount (free) to save it. The rides from the Ride Library came from RidewithGPS.• After creating your route, select Export from the right side of the page and choose CueSheet CSV File. Open the file in Excel, verify the directions are clear and easy to follow andadd rest stops and/or regroup locations. When it looks correct, save the document. If youneed any help, please contact the Route Masters at (
• Bring the online registration list to the ride start.• Arrive 15 minutes early• Check riders present against the online registration list. Riders need to bring their own cue sheets.
Ride hosts are required to sign in as well if they are cycling with the group.
• COVID restrictions require that membership is required on Valley Spokesmen rides.• Helmets are mandatory on all Valley Spokesmen rides. Head phones, including ear buds,are not permitted.• Emphasize that each rider should have ID and emergency contact information on theirperson.• Announce that if anyone plans to leave the ride before the group returns to the startingpoint, that they should let the ride host know their intention.• Be familiar with the procedures on What to do in an Emergency
• Prior to starting the ride make a short announcement about the ride including re-grouplocations, rest stops, key safety issues along the route and the expected average speed.Make sure all ride attendees have your cell phone number in case of an emergency.• Introduce yourself and welcome everyone on behalf of Valley Spokesmen and encourageall non-members to join.• Identify if there are new riders participating and ask them to introduce themselves andhow long they have been riding. Welcome them to the ride and make them feel welcometo the group. As ride host, start the ride with the new riders and determine their ridinglevel. Once their ride level has been determined introduce them to fellow group memberswho cycle at their same pace.• Start the ride on time.• Carry the registration list with you the entire ride in case of emergency. Taking a photo ofthe sign-in sheets with your cell phone works well too.
• Try to account for all the riders that started. Some riders may simply ride home if they liveclose to the route. Look for empty cars in the parking area. DO NOT KNOWINGLY LEAVE ARIDER STRANDED.• Send the completed registration list to VSBC, P.O. Box 2630, Dublin CA 94568 or scan and send via emailto The club uses this information to help riders track their miles forthe year.• Ride host credit and mileage will be given to those rides posted 72 hours in advance, wasopen to all Club members and had at least three (3) riders participate. Paid cycling events,such as Cycle Oregon or BAC, do not count.